It was our intention for Everett to be born at home, but he had other plans. For the last few weeks of my pregnancy he stayed firmly in breech position with one leg down and the other up. The midwives won't deliver a breech baby and neither will most doctors, so I needed a c-section. After the surgery being delayed for 10 hours (not eating anything more than a granola bar and juice box that whole time) I received a spinal that numbed me from the armpits down. I was more concerned that I couldn't breathe than that they were cutting me open. He was 7 pounds 9 ounces, 20 3/4 inches. The nurse measured him twice, she didn't believe it. Brian made a comment that I was vegan throughout my pregnancy, to which the nurse said the usual "Did she get enough protein?" Brian pointed to Everett with a "well, duh!" look on his face. In the recovery room I was very sick from the spinal. I really wanted to breastfeed only, luckily Everett was fine with waiting a bit. Now at 7 weeks he's 13 pounds about 23 inches, and fitting very well in 3 month size clothing. I'm going back to work in a week, which I think I'm ready for. Maybe.
6 years ago