Friday, July 25, 2008

Blogging fail

So yeah, I'm not totally into doing regular blog entries just yet. A lot has happened since my first post... I'll just touch on a few things.
-I'm up to 530 miles on my BMC. I attempted, and failed miserably at my first road bike race at Cedar Creek. At that point I think I only had 250 miles in for the year... I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Our cycling team is doing awesome otherwise. I've been getting cool pictures at road, mountain and tri races. Recently I've started video taping the team in action, the goal being to create a promotional compilation video.
-At work we've had two people quit and another person has been out these past two weeks because she needed to get her appendix out. So I got promoted then ended up doing the work of 3 people. I've been so wiped out lately.... I can't even express how I feel about my boss who elected not to hire the VERY competent assistant who came in for a working interview 2 1/2 weeks ago.
-To entertain myself I regularly look at the FAIL Blog. Nothing makes you feel better than watching others' stupidity and misfortune. Sad, but true. Within the FAIL blog is a link to graphjam which I enjoy quite a lot.

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